Which two technologies are commonly used to ensure the security and integrity of blockchain transactions?

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Which two technologies are commonly used to ensure the security and integrity of blockchain transactions?

  • Public Key Cryptography
  • Symmetric Encryption
  • Cryptographic Hashing
  • Database Partitioning

The correct answers are Public Key Cryptography and Cryptographic Hashing.

Overview of Blockchain Security: Public Key Cryptography and Cryptographic Hashing

Blockchain technology revolutionizes the way digital transactions are secured and validated by incorporating sophisticated cryptographic techniques. Two of the most critical technologies used to ensure the security and integrity of blockchain transactions are Public Key Cryptography and Cryptographic Hashing. These cryptographic methods provide the essential mechanisms that make blockchain systems secure, trustworthy, and tamper-proof.

Public Key Cryptography in Blockchain

Public Key Cryptography (also known as asymmetric cryptography) is a cornerstone of blockchain security and is widely used in cryptocurrencies and other blockchain-based applications. In public key cryptography, two keys are generated: a public key and a private key. These keys work together in such a way that data encrypted with the public key can only be decrypted with the corresponding private key, and vice versa.

In the context of blockchain, public key cryptography serves two primary functions: identity verification and transaction authorization.

  1. Identity Verification: Public key cryptography enables blockchain users to prove their identity and ownership of digital assets without revealing sensitive information. Each user has a unique public-private key pair, where the public key serves as their digital identity (like an account number or address), and the private key is kept secret. The private key is used to sign transactions, providing proof that the transaction was initiated by the rightful owner of the assets. The public key, which can be shared openly, is used by others to verify the authenticity of the transaction signature without needing to know the private key.For example, in Bitcoin, when a user wants to send cryptocurrency to another user, they digitally sign the transaction using their private key. The recipient and the blockchain network can verify the signature using the sender’s public key. This ensures that only the owner of the private key can authorize the transaction, preventing fraud or unauthorized access to funds.
  2. Transaction Authorization: Public key cryptography ensures that only the person who possesses the correct private key can authorize a transaction on the blockchain. This prevents anyone else from manipulating or spending assets without the owner’s consent. The digital signature created by the private key provides cryptographic proof that the transaction is legitimate and has not been altered.The cryptographic process works as follows:
    • A user generates a digital signature using their private key to approve a transaction.
    • The blockchain network verifies the signature using the associated public key.
    • If the signature matches, the transaction is considered valid and is added to the blockchain.

Public key cryptography not only secures the identity of participants in blockchain transactions but also ensures that only authorized transactions are accepted by the network. It makes blockchain highly resistant to hacking or fraudulent activities, as attempting to impersonate someone would require access to their private key, which is mathematically infeasible to guess.

Cryptographic Hashing in Blockchain

Cryptographic Hashing is another fundamental technology used in blockchain to ensure the integrity and immutability of data. A cryptographic hash function takes an input (such as a block of transaction data) and generates a fixed-size output known as a hash. This hash is a unique fingerprint or digital signature of the input data. Even the slightest change in the input will result in a completely different hash, making it a reliable way to detect tampering or alterations.

In blockchain systems, cryptographic hashing is used in several key areas:

  1. Block Identification: Each block in the blockchain contains a cryptographic hash of the previous block. This creates a chain of blocks, where each block is linked to the one before it, forming a continuous, unbroken chain of transaction records. Because each block’s hash is dependent on the data within the block, as well as the hash of the previous block, any change to a block’s data would break the chain, alerting the network to potential tampering.This mechanism ensures the immutability of the blockchain. Once a block is added to the blockchain, it becomes nearly impossible to alter without re-calculating the hashes for all subsequent blocks, which would require an enormous amount of computational power and is therefore practically infeasible.
  2. Proof of Work: Cryptographic hashing is also an integral part of the Proof of Work (PoW) consensus mechanism used by many blockchain networks (such as Bitcoin). In PoW, miners compete to solve a complex mathematical puzzle by repeatedly hashing a block’s data until they find a hash that meets certain criteria (usually a hash that starts with a certain number of leading zeros). The first miner to find a valid hash gets to add the block to the blockchain and is rewarded with newly minted cryptocurrency.This process requires significant computational resources, making it difficult for a single entity to manipulate the blockchain or launch an attack. It also ensures that adding new blocks to the blockchain is both secure and verifiable by the network.
  3. Data Integrity: Hashing ensures that the data recorded in the blockchain remains accurate and untampered. Each block contains a cryptographic hash of its contents (including transaction data). If even a single character in the transaction data is changed, the hash of the block will change, breaking the chain. This makes it easy for the network to detect any unauthorized changes or corruption in the data.
  4. Merkle Trees: Cryptographic hashing is used in Merkle Trees, which are data structures that allow efficient and secure verification of large amounts of data. In blockchain, Merkle trees are used to organize and verify the integrity of transactions within a block. Each transaction is hashed, and pairs of hashes are combined and hashed together, forming a tree-like structure that eventually leads to a single root hash (the Merkle root). This Merkle root is stored in the block header and provides a compact, cryptographic summary of all transactions in the block.The Merkle tree structure allows nodes to verify individual transactions without needing to download and verify the entire block of data, which improves the scalability and efficiency of blockchain networks.

How Public Key Cryptography and Cryptographic Hashing Work Together

Public key cryptography and cryptographic hashing complement each other in ensuring blockchain security. Here’s how they work together to provide a secure and trustworthy system:

  1. Transaction Validation: When a transaction is created, the sender signs it using their private key. This digital signature is combined with the transaction data and is included in a block. Cryptographic hashing is then used to create a unique hash for the transaction, ensuring that any alteration to the transaction data would invalidate the hash and the block.
  2. Block Verification: Once a block is created, the blockchain network uses cryptographic hashing to ensure the integrity of the block’s data. Each block contains a hash of the previous block, linking it to the chain. Additionally, public key cryptography is used to verify that the transactions within the block were authorized by the legitimate owners.
  3. Immutable Record of Transactions: Together, these cryptographic techniques ensure that blockchain transactions are immutable. Any attempt to alter transaction data would result in a mismatch between the hashes of the affected blocks, causing the network to reject the tampered block.

Differences Between Public Key Cryptography and Cryptographic Hashing

While both public key cryptography and cryptographic hashing are crucial for blockchain security, they serve different purposes:

  1. Public Key Cryptography: Used for secure identification, digital signatures, and transaction authorization. It involves the use of two keys (public and private) and ensures that only the owner of a private key can authorize transactions.
  2. Cryptographic Hashing: Used for ensuring data integrity and immutability. It involves creating a unique, fixed-size hash from a block of data, and any changes to the data will result in a completely different hash. It is also used in consensus mechanisms like Proof of Work.


In summary, Public Key Cryptography and Cryptographic Hashing are two vital technologies that ensure the security and integrity of blockchain transactions. Public key cryptography secures identities, authorizes transactions, and prevents fraud, while cryptographic hashing ensures the integrity of the blockchain by linking blocks and detecting any tampering. Together, these cryptographic techniques make blockchain systems highly secure, transparent, and resilient to attacks, providing a trustworthy platform for decentralized digital transactions.

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